Pebeo 3D Art Panels are an ideal painting surface for mixed media techniques and resins. They consist of a smooth primed white surface with a waterproof wooden frame that is raised 3.7mm up from the panel's surface so that they can contain resins, liquid paints and 3D materials. Pebeo Art Panels are perfect for pouring resins on to as they stay within the frame and won’t leak or drip over the edge.
You can use a large range of mixed media applications on Pebeo 3D Art Panels, including Pebeo Fantasy Prisme and Moon Paints, Vitrail glass paints, resins, oils, acrylics, markers and more. Each art panel has a depth of 38mm and comes in various sizes.
Pebeo Art Panels are great for producing 3D art pieces that can easily be hung onto the wall without the need to be framed. An interesting alternative to canvas.