
Bottled Fountain Pen Ink

Bottled Fountain Pen Ink

Bottled fountain pen ink is a popular choice among fountain pen enthusiasts for its versatility and wide range of colour options. These inks are typically sold in glass or plastic bottles and are used to refill fountain pens through various filling mechanisms such as eyedropper, or converter.

Bottled ink is often preferred by those who value sustainability, as it reduces plastic waste compared to disposable cartridges.

When it comes to cost-effectiveness, bottled ink is generally more economical than cartridges in the long run. While the initial cost of a bottle of ink may be higher than a pack of cartridges, the cost per millilitre often works out to be less. For instance, a standard ink cartridge holds approximately 0.8ml of ink, whereas a bottle of ink can contain 30ml to 50ml or more. Therefore, even though the upfront cost of bottled ink is higher, the cost per millilitre is significantly lower, making it a more cost-effective choice for regular users. The downside of using bottle ink is that it can be a bit more messy when filling the pen.

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