Pebeo Ultimate Pouring Medium is a 2 part medium that allows artists and beginners to create the fluid pouring acrylic technique with control.
It is a unique water-based acrylic medium, that has been designed by artist Nancy Wood with Pebeo. It consists of an acrylic pouring medium and a catalyst, which interact with each other to create controlled and reliable results with less wastage. It is much easier to control than other acrylic pouring mediums on the market.
The catalyst produces cells and a lace effect in the acrylic paint.
It is available in 3 sizes. The smallest kit contains a 250ml bottle of pouring medium and a 15ml catalyst (this will cover a canvas size of approximately 30cm x 30cm). The next size up contains a 500ml pouring medium and 30ml catalyst and the largest size contains a 1000ml bottle of pouring medium and 60ml catalyst.
Each Ultimate Pouring Medium kit contains a booklet with instructions and access to Nancy Wood's how to videos.
How To Use Pebeo Ultimate Pouring Medium & Mix It:
Before you begin, you will need some acrylic paints, such as Pebeo Studio Acrylics, a rigid painting surface that it suitable for pouring acrylics on to, such as the Seawhite Cradled Wooden Painting Panels (they will need to be primed first with an acrylic gesso), or a canvas, some paint pouring measuring cups, a stirrer and most importantly, a palette knife (a range of sizes and shapes will help produce different effects).
To create your fluid acrylics, in a measuring cup, add 10% to 15% maximum, of acrylic paint to the Ultimate Pouring Medium. Use a separate cup for each colour that you want to use. Stir the mixture well. It should have a thick creamy consistency that just flows off the stirrer. If you aren't using Pebeo Studio Acrylics, then you may have to adjust the ratios slightly.
Now make the catalyst mixture. Use a very small cup, like a plastic shot glass. You really don't need much of the catalyst. Use a ratio of 40% catalyst mixed with 30% acrylic paint and 30% water. Stir it thoroughly and aim for a creamy thick consistency that is slightly thicker than the pouring medium mixture (it should be pourable from the cup but not drip off your stirrer). If you need to, you can add a tiny bit more water to the catalyst mixture if it is too thick. Make your separate colours in different cups.
It is now ready to use! Simply pour the pouring medium and acrylic paint mixture on to your surface. If you are using different colours, you can pour them on top of each other or next to each other, depending on what effect you would like to produce.
Next, it's time to create some cells! Coat the blade of your palette knife with you catalyst mixture (if using more than one colour, add them next to each other on your palette knife). The catalyst mixture shouldn't drip off the palette knife (if it does, it's not thick enough). Now, gently glide the palette knife over the surface of the poured acrylic, trying not to cut into it too much.
Watch the natural chemical reaction occur and create the cells / lacey effect with extraordinary results!
You can build more layers of the catalyst / lacey pattern over the top and the original layer below will not move.
It will take at least 48 hours to dry and will dry to a beautiful satin finish.
Top Tips For Using Pebeo Ultimate Pouring Acrylic:
1. To make your acrylic colours brighter, try adding some white acrylic to the paint mixture (50% white to 50% acrylic colour and keeping the ratio the same when mixing it with the pouring medium or catalyst).
2. Use black and / or white paint in your artwork to create a contrast with the colours and try to stick to a limited colour palette for more striking effects.
3. Paint a solid colour background first with the acrylic paint and pouring medium mixture. It will stay wet for a while and you can use the above acrylic pouring method on it while wet. It will give your whole finished piece a lovely satin finsh.
4. You can test your pouring and catalyst mixtures first on a piece of acetate or plastic to make sure that you have mixed them correctly. Once dry, the mixtures can be peeled off and the plastic re-used.
5. You can use a straw to blow on individual cells to enlarge them, move them and show more colour underneath. Just be careful not to over-work it.
6. Make sure that you slide the palette knife slowly and gently over the poured acrylic when adding the catalyst. You can use a smaller palette knife to add finer details and use a pipette to add more colour.
7. If you want a really professional finish, you can put a thin coat of resin over the top of your finished poured acrylic piece. This will protect it and give it an ultra glossy finish. Make sure that you wait at least a week for it to fully dry before adding the resin over the top.
There is also a Pebeo Ultimate Pouring Medium Discovery Kit available, which includes everything you need to get started with this ultimate acrylic pouring technique. Have fun!