Amsterdam Acrylic Pumice Middle Medium can be used to create relief and texture on canvas when used alone or mixed with acrylic colours. This exciting medium can be worked when drying and cut into and folded to create a variety of different effects. Easy to apply and waterproof when fully dry, Amsterdam Acrylic Pumice Middle Medium gives a fine-medium grained surface that can be applied in thick layers to build up texture and can also be overpainted.

The ideal medium for those wanting to add something a little extra to their artwork.

Product code: ZZAACAUX127

Amsterdam Acrylic Pumice Middle Medium

Royal Talens
Minimum quantity is 1 (pick ‘n’ mix) to the value of £ @MINIMUMORDERTYPE
Amsterdam Pumice Middle Medium 250ml thumbnail
Amsterdam Pumice Middle Medium 250ml
Min order qty: 1
RRP RRP £14.65
Min. order price for 1:
Individual price:
Our Price £11.95
Amsterdam Pumice Middle Medium 500ml thumbnail
Amsterdam Pumice Middle Medium 500ml
Min order qty: 1
RRP RRP £21.65
Min. order price for 1:
Individual price:
Our Price £17.40


(inc VAT)

Amsterdam Acrylic Pumice Middle Medium can be used to create relief and texture on canvas when used alone or mixed with acrylic colours. This exciting medium can be worked when drying and cut into and folded to create a variety of different effects. Easy to apply and waterproof when fully dry, Amsterdam Acrylic Pumice Middle Medium gives a fine-medium grained surface that can be applied in thick layers to build up texture and can also be overpainted.

The ideal medium for those wanting to add something a little extra to their artwork.

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