Amsterdam Acrylic Matt Glazing Medium helps to increase the transparency and flow of Acrylic paints when used in glazing layers. Already transparent colours work best with Glazing Medium, and the medium dries clear when not mixed with paints. Matt Glazing medium reduces the gloss of Acrylics as well as reducing the drying time, making glazing slightly less workable than other layers of pure acrylic. Glazing Mediums can be thinned with water, and become waterproof when fully dry.
Product code: ZZAACAUX017

Amsterdam Acrylic Matt Glazing Medium

Royal Talens
Minimum quantity is 1 (pick ‘n’ mix) to the value of £ @MINIMUMORDERTYPE
Amsterdam Glazing Medium Matt 250ml thumbnail
Amsterdam Glazing Medium Matt 250ml
Min order qty: 1
Out of stock.
Out of stock.
RRP RRP £21.65
Min. order price for 1:
Individual price:
Our Price £17.40
Amsterdam Glazing Medium Matt 75ml thumbnail
Amsterdam Glazing Medium Matt 75ml
Min order qty: 1
RRP RRP £9.75
Min. order price for 1:
Individual price:
Our Price £7.95


(inc VAT)
Amsterdam Acrylic Matt Glazing Medium helps to increase the transparency and flow of Acrylic paints when used in glazing layers. Already transparent colours work best with Glazing Medium, and the medium dries clear when not mixed with paints. Matt Glazing medium reduces the gloss of Acrylics as well as reducing the drying time, making glazing slightly less workable than other layers of pure acrylic. Glazing Mediums can be thinned with water, and become waterproof when fully dry.
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