Fabriano Classico 5 Water Colour Fat Pads contain 25 sheets of 140lbs / 300gsm acid free, mould-made water colour paper. The paper is of high quality and is made from 50% cotton.
The paper surface is sized to prevent the water colour from seeping through. The Fabriano Classico 5 Water Colour Fat Pads have a hot pressed surface (HP) which is very smooth, making the surface suitable for high detail watercolour painting, in particular, Botanical Art.
Fabiano 5 Fat Pads are spiral bound along one of the short edges and are excellent value for money.
As of 2016, the Fabriano Classico 5 Hot Pressed Watercolour Paper has changed. The paper surface is now not as smooth as it was previously due to a change of paper machine at the Fabriano mill. You may wish to try the new Botanical Ultra Smooth Paper from R.K Burts.