Griffin Alkyd Fast Drying Oil Colour offers a range of 50 colours. Manufactured from pigments suspended in oil modified alkyd resin and solvent, the most outstanding advantage of the Griffin Alkyd range of colours is their speed of drying, which allows a painting to be completed in a single session.
The clarity of the alkyd resin allows the full brightness of the pigment to show when the colour is dry. Their unique luminosity make them an ideal choice for glazing techniques, particularly in conjunction with Liquin medium, thereby creating a speedier process than with oils. Many artists underpaint in alkyds to save time, subsequently completing their painting in traditional oils. In addition, Griffin Alkyd is highly recommended for use on a variety of porous surfaces and especially for work that is to be exhibited out of doors and on fabric.
Compatible with conventional oil colours, Griffin Alkyd Colours have good flow properties and dry to a hard durable film.