Product code: CRE78812

Foam Clay 14g x 6 Glitter Assortment

Creativ Company
Our Price £7.65
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


(inc VAT)
1 in stock
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Foam Clay 14g x 6 Glitter Assortment set contains 6 pots of glittering colours including pink, yellow, blue, green, white and orange.
A  unique textural modelling paste that is soft and easy to mould making it ideal for children and beginners. It sticks well to itself without the need for glue or special techniques making it easier to work with than traditional clays. Once dry it is extremely light weight and is perfect for creating items designed to hang such as decorations. Drying time depends on the thickness of the clay and usually takes 1-3 days to dry thoroughly.
Not suitable for children under 3.

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