Product code: EAL2SCK

Carve a Stamp Kit

Our Price £15.95
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


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6 in stock
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This Carve a Stamp Kit by ESSDEE is a great starter kit for anyone wanting to create their own stamp designs. Using the cutters provided, carve into the blank stamps to create your chosen design. Once you have finished carving your stamp, press it down onto the ink pad and then use it to stamp greetings cards, scrap books, gift tags and more! This kit contains everything needed to get started with this interesting and rewarding craft. Ideal for creating your own exciting gift wrap, post cards and anything else you can think of! The ink supplied within the stamp pad is versatile and will even work on wood.

This kit contains:

1x Ink Pad

1x Handle with aluminium collar

1x leaflet with design ideas

1x V shaped fine cutting blade

1x V shaped wide cutting blade

5x assorted sizes of blank stamps.

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