Product code: PEB230180EC

Pebeo Studio Gouache Set 24x20ml

Our Price £19.95
RRP £32.95
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


(inc VAT)
3 in stock
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Studio Gouache from Pebeo Set of 24 x 20ml. Paint is fine, opaque and pigment-rich. The intense, bright colours keep their vibrancy once dry.

It is ideal for making models, study works, illustration and decoration. It can be applied to surfaces such as paper, cardboard or Bristol board.

This set contians:

  • 24 Colours in 20ml tubes: Lemon yellow, Primary yellow, Vermilion, Scarlet red, Primary magenta, Vivid pink, Light violet, Cobalt violet, Steel blue, Prussian blue, Sky blue, Primary cyan, Aqua green, Emerald green, Sap green, Olive green, Naples yellow, Yellow ochre, Raw sienna, Pink beige, Burnt Sienna, Burnt umber, Ivory black, Permanent white.
  • A size 10 flat brush
  • A size 4 round brush
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