This Gedeo Pearl Resin is an opaque Pearl White colour. It can be used with Gedeo Crystal Resin and is perfect for adding a pearlescent touch to your art creations. Pearl White Resin is ideal for pouring into silicone moulds or casts to make jewellery, frames, tableware, mouldings, marbling techniques, etc.
This Pearl White Resin Kit Contains:
100ml Gedeo Pearl White Resin,
50ml Gedeo Pearl Hardener,
Protective Plastic Gloves,
2 x Plastic Measuring Cups,
2 x Wooden Sticks For Mixing The Resin,
1 x User Guide With Tips & Step By Step Instructions.
Gedeo Pearl White Resin is a two component epoxy resin system that consists of a resin and a hardener. Mix two parts of Gedeo Pearl Resin to one part Hardener. Mix thoroughly before use. It is very important that these are mixed correctly in the right quantities or the resin will not set properly.
You can use this Pearl Resin on many surfaces including Canvas, Glass, Pottery, Metal, Painted Wood, Plastic, Jewellery, Liquid Art Panels, etc.
Resin can be used to create pendants, colour inclusions (applications should be no thinker than 5cm or it may not dry and set properly) and for decorating art and craft products. Try pouring it, mixing it and dripping it across a surface such as canvas and combine with Coloured Resins for a really interesting effect. This will create some very effective smooth, glossy, colourful art!
Resins add relief to flat surfaces and can be used with Pebeo Fantasy Moon & Prisme Paints, Vitrail Glass Paints, Pebeo Studio Acrylic Mediums, Metal Leaf and Pebeo Studio Acrylics, etc, to create unique Mixed Media Art Pieces.
Pearl Resins are touch dry in approximately 12 hours and fully dry in 24 hours. It is easy to use. Once the two epoxy resin components have been mixed together, simply pour it on to the surface of your choice to give it a three dimensional glossy pearl white finish.
Not suitable for children.