Product code: RT05838636

Rembrandt Watercolour Metal Set 36 Half Pans

Royal Talens
Our Price £159.95
RRP £239.95

This professional Artists-quality set of 36 watercolour 1/2 pans is made from the finest pigments and purest quality gum arabic. The metal tin has hinged lids that open to a form mixing palette. All colours are made by Royal Talens in Holland. A sable brush is included.

 - Ultimate tinting strength and maximum pigmentation.

 - Highest degree of lightfastness

 - Finest pigments and pure quality Gum arabic

36 extra fine watercolour 1/2 pans:
Chinese white (108), Cadmium yellow lemon (207), Cadmium orange (211), Yellow ochre (227), Gamboge (238), Aureoline (242), Azo yellow light (246), Azo yellow deep (248), Azomethine green yellow (296), Cadmium red (305), Cadmium red deep (306), Vermilion (311), Carmine (318), Permanent madder lake (336), Perylene red deep (354), Quinacridone rose (366), Burnt umber (409), Greenish umber (410), Burnt sienna (411), Sepia (416), French ultramarine (503), Ultramarine deep (506), Prussian blue (508), Cobalt blue (511), Turquoise blue (522), Mauve (532), Cerulean blue (534), Blue violet (548), Indanthrene blue (585), Viridian (616), Olive green (620), Sap green (623), Hooker green deep (645), Permanent green (662), Ivory black (701), Payne's grey (708).

1 x  size 6 round sable brush.

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