Product code: RT90820124

Van Gogh Soft Pastel Set Of 24

Royal Talens
Our Price £29.95
RRP £37.75
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


(inc VAT)
9 in stock
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This Van Gogh Soft Pastel Set contains 24 assorted colours. Van Gogh Soft Pastels are lightfast and give excellent coverage.

They are round in shape and can be used for achieving fine detail as well as creating large areas of colour.

For best results, use them on a pastel paper with a fine tooth or a fine grain cartridge paper.

This Van Gogh Soft Pastel Set Of 24 contains the following colours:

100.5 White, 201.5 Light Yellow, 202.5 Deep Yellow, 205.8 Lemon Yellow, 227.5 Yellow Ochre, 231.3 Gold Ochre, 236.5 Light Orange, 331.3 Madder Deep, 371.8 Permanent Red Deep, 372.5 Permanent Red, 409.5 Burnt Umber, 411.5 Burnt Sienna, 505.9 Ultramarine Light, 506.5 Ultramarine Deep, 508.5 Prussian Blue, 522.5 Turquoise Blue, 545.5 Red Violet, 548.5 Blue Violet, 570.7 Phthalo Blue, 619.5 Permanent Green Deep, 620.5 Olive Green, 633.5 Permanent Yellow Green, 700.5 Black & 704.7 Grey.

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