How To Draw A Cartoon Dragon
Monday 19 October 2020 - Sandra MWatch the video and follow these simple steps. Get drawing!
Learn how to draw a cartoon dragon with artist Sarah Jane Vickery.
If you are looking to begin drawing but not sure how or where to start, it’s a good idea to start with easy but fun illustrations. Artist, Sarah Jane Vickery, has created a video to show you how to draw a cartoon dragon using a few simple shapes and lines and the end result is amazing.
All you need to start is a few graphite pencils, a permanent pen or some fineliners and some good quality cartridge paper. This drawing guide is suitable for children and adults that want to begin drawing or learn how to create cartoon illustrations. It’s time to get creative!
What Art Supplies Will I Need To Start Drawing?
To draw your cartoon dragon with Sarah Jane Vickery, you will need the following art supplies:
- A selection of coloured pencils if you want to colour your dragon in, or marker pens / felt tips.
Now you are ready to start drawing!
Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Draw A Cartoon Dragon:
Watch Sarah’s video below and follow her step-by-step instructions to create your very own cartoon dragon. Don’t forget that you can make your dragon slightly different by drawing different features on it.
Here are some of Sarah’s instructions to help guide you:
- If you want, you can add even more details to the character, such as a tummy or some dragon scales or spots.
You can now colour him in using pens or pencils to really bring him to life. There you have it, your very own drawing of a cartoon dragon!

About Sarah Jane Vickery:
Sarah Jane Vickery teaches online art classes for children and adults. She illustrates colouring books and doodle journals to inspire creativity at any age. If you have enjoyed creating your very own cartoon dragon then you may be interested in joining Sarah Jane Vickery’s Cartoon Club online. These art classes are aimed at children that love to draw in their spare time.
She also runs workshops and online drawing classes for adults and does one-to-one tutoring. Or perhaps you just want an amazing colouring book to sit down and colour? If so, then we recommend Sarah’s book, Veronica’s Garden. After all, there is nothing more relaxing then colouring!
Thank you Sarah for your drawing tips and guide to drawing a cartoon dragon! Don’t forget to browse our website for drawing supplies. We have a great range for children, adults, beginners and professionals.

How To Draw A Cartoon Dragon
Learn how to draw a cartoon dragon with artist Sarah Jane Vickery.
Watch the video and follow these simple steps. Get drawing!
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