Product code: PEB300035

Pebeo Watercolour Pocket Metal Box 12 Half Pans

Our Price £14.75
RRP £20.30
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


(inc VAT)
12 in stock
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This Pebeo Watercolour Pocket Metal Box contains 12 half pans. These high quality watercolour paints are transparent with a deep tone and satin finish.

The colours included are: primary lemon yellow, cadmium yellow pale, primary red cadmium, alizarin crimson, primary phthalo blue, cobalt blue, permanent green, earth green, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber & ivory black.

The sturdy metal box is small and compact, making it ideal for taking out and about with you. It also has sections in the lid and a fold out palette for colour mixing.

A perfect watercolour paint set for a beginner, amateur artist or student.

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