Product code: PEB668920

Pebeo Studio Watercolour 24x12ml

Our Price £13.95
RRP £18.30
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


(inc VAT)
15 in stock
Stock Availability:

This set of high quality 24x12ml watercolours includes a wide range of vivid colours which makes this set a great addition to the collection of any artist. These paints can be diluted easily and have depth of tone and transparency that remain even when dry. They can also be used on different surfaces such as cardboard or watercolour paper.

The 12ml paints that are included in this set are: Primary Lemon Yellow 01, Cadmium Yellow Pale 02, Dark Cadmium Yellow 03, Orange 04, Primary Red Cadmium 05, Permanent Pink 07, Alizarine Crimson 08, Permanent Violet 09, Ultramarine Blue 10, Primary Phthalocyanine Blue 11, Cobalt Blue 13, Prussian Blue 14, Indigo 15, Permanent Green 16, Phthalocyanine Green 17, Sap Green 18, Earth Green 20, Yellow Ochre 21, Burnt Sienna 23, Burnt Umber 24, Sepia 25, Payne's Grey 26, Ivory Black 27 and China White 28.

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