Product code: PEB300046EC

Pebeo Watercolour Painting Set of 24 Half Pans

Our Price £24.95
RRP £40.80
Minimum quantity is 1@MINIMUMORDERTYPE


(inc VAT)
9 in stock
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Pebeo Watercolour Painting Set of 24 Half Pans, a set of 24 assorted colours with everything you need to create a watercolour masterpiece.

This set contains:

  • 24 colours in half pans : Lemon yellow, Cadmium yellow pale, Orange, Primary Cadmium red , Permanent pink, Alizarine crimson, Permanent violet, Ultramarine blue, Primary phthalo blue, Cobalt blue, Prussian blue, Indigo, Permanent green, Phthalo green, Sap green, Earth green, Yellow ochre, Burnt sienna, Burnt umber, Sepia, Payne's grey, Ivory black and China white.
  • 1 black fineliner pen
  • 1 Aquabrush
  • A watercolour sketchbook
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